My Best Efforts - Year 3


MonoMonday: Signs.......

.........A SIGN that there is "still life in the old dog" is mirrored on my camera bag - the three latest addtions being the two pins for the Californian Redwoods and the third for Oregon - both visited this year.

This was my 8th visit to the States and one I nearly couldn't take - but looking at my bag and all the photos taken over the years, the wonderful memories will be there for always.

However, there is just the chance of another year travelling yet again but I'm not banking on it - and as I have already said there is still life in the old dog yet - and I'm that old dog - so you never know. I would like to add some more pins - fingers crossed!

A slightly cooler day today - which is rather welcome - some sun. some cloud and temperatures in the low 70Degs.F - very pleasant.

Enjoy the rest of the week

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