and so to bed

said zebedee....

and that's it, all caught up upon myself...

sitting in cafe neko in wien, a cat cafe...which is not to say that cat curry is on the menu, (too slimy, bit like rotting chicken), but the place is inhabited by cats...who don't care, don't deign to notice the majority of passers through...the coffee is ok, nothing great and it's a bit modern for my tasted...thought i'm being amused at a huge hairy ginger creature which reminds me of vlad....

and so to wien, silence has returned to many blips...partly as i'm staying out in roetzergasse in a, delightful, flat without wifi...but it has allowed me a long term dream, to spend time in wien without placing demands on friends for floor space and entertainment...

and how to say...a few nights staggering home in the morning light; a years pass for the museums and a card for the city bike scheme...and yet it still feels quiet...other news...when the temperature drops below 27 degrees i reach for long trousers....thunderstorms are definately following me...there's one outside as i type...and living out on the edge of town i have, just about, forced myself into a kind of low level literacy of a sadly political slant...which is another reason that i've been reluctant to write, my brain is full of thoughts on the referendum; having read the scotland's future document - not the q&a part though, that is just too obvious...

on the plus side there's also erasmus and paine, so it''s not all bad,,,,and i can already see that i need to shut up...let the braggarts and sumphs from wither side blaw as hard as they like...and we puir wee republican souls can watch the game continue...

apologies to all who read that, maybe tomorrow will be more akin to the rambling nonsense that tends to populate my raggedy wee heid:-) servus!

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