More Life of Sands

By sands


Last in the theme of drawing how I feel today.....

This evening was another crazy one! I got an e-mail from the guy reviewing my contract and he said that it needed lots of changes - and I paniced!! But when I called him to discuss it, it wasn't as bad as he made it sound. It was a few minor changes which made a big difference.

So more calls to and from Canada to sort it out. They have been great and have accepted all the changes I have asked for and I now think I have a final contract! I will send it off for final review but I really think we are there.

I also had a Skype video call with my 2 new managers, Rohinish and Rose, and Ellen who has been sorting out my contract. I apologised for looking like I'd been dragged through a hedge backwards but they were fine with that.

We also discussed the highly likely possibility of me going to Barcelona for 3 days next week for a meeting with them and the client - which was then confirmed :-)

I can already feel that the next 12 months is gonna be a crazy but very fun time!!

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