
I try to not let little things annoy me but..
I was in a supermarket at 9.00 a.m. and I wanted to buy some non-alcoholic beer but I couldn't because they can't sell alcohol until after 10.00 a.m.
Then, I was almost knocked over by a ten year old cyclist riding his bicycle on the pavement!
My camera battery ran out. To make matters worse, a young seagull wandered into the shop and it would have made a great photograph but ...
Later, a customer wanted to look at two ornaments that were at the very front of the window. I had to move a couple of railings and over stretch to take them out but did they buy them?
Of course not. Perhaps the £2 price tag put them off!!
I won't even mention the family that spoke all the way through Popmaster or the lady who pointed out that there was a large spider hiding in the jerseys and I don't like ....
Hope you are having a relaxing day.
I should do this today.
P.S. I think they are Mergansers.
Later today. You know that thing when someone stands on a rake head and the handle hits them in the face! That was me today. No blood though, just a little bruise.
Later still. I have just been informed that they are actually goosanders. It figures.
Sent from my iPad

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