A Sign.....

A sign….. Yes this is a sign. It signals a change in the perceived status of the inhabitants of our home. There was a time when we, the parents, called the shots. We guided, we directed, we advised, we cajoled, we bossed and generally ruled over the younger folk in the house….all four of them. The years passed. The offspring spread themselves around the globe in various countries for a number of years. Then in the fullness of time two of them came home to roost; Alex, son number two and his lovely wife Hannah. It was wonderful to have them living with us for some time while they built their huge house truck in our front garden. Gradually I realised the seat of power in the house had subtly changed. The younger generation were guiding, directing, advising, cajoling and generally attempting to rule over the older generation. That is Alex was…. Hannah wisely stayed out of this attempted coup.
Thus we come to this notice, aka “sign”, which, a couple of years ago, Alex taped on the door of the room we used for the rearing of our Birman kittens.
This sign has been left taped on the door and gives rise to some mirth from visiting friends of our own generation…….
Thanks to Gingernanfor hosting "Signs" on Mono Monday

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