
By annhall

Happy Birthday to Bob - Great Party Day

This was a day of whirlwind parties and celebrations. First party was Bob's milestone birthday, and the kids and his wife, my dear friend, Denise surprised him with a gala fete. Good food, friends and family made it a very special day. Bob is a wonderful man and we all loved celebrating him. He is a crackerjack photographer and we love to see his albums after each and every exciting trip they go on. It is almost as good as being there.
Then I went to a house blessing and mezzuzah hanging party at two dear people I have met at Congregation Ner Tamid. Carlos Goebels and his partner, Robert have moved into a beautiful condo in Terra Ceia, Palmetto, Florida and they decorated it with so much lovely art and special things. We had a brief blessing with great meaning and reverence conducted by Rabbinic Associate, Rena Morano. She always takes the occasion and brings a simple beauty and reverence to the celebration. We all did readings blessing the home and the people who live there and come into their home. The Carlos hung the mezzuzah on the doorpost. After that we had a light supper, and some wonderful sharing and conversation. It was very meaningful and special. Mazel Tov to the new home and to Carlos and Robert!

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