Red mist
Don't worry, no red mist of fury, just busy busy... There is just so much to do. I empty a box, take the stuff in it to the various places it belongs, and find an urgent job to do in each place, each of which jobs seems to trigger a trickle down of other jobs. Which is basically a way of saying that unpacking one (medium sized) box has kept me busy all day.
This evening lobster and chips courtesy of Mr B and the realisation that we are no longer a two-lobster family. Then The Croods, which the kids had mostly seen, but we all really enjoyed.
And later still lots of ironing for me in front of the Old Grey Whistle Test (my Mac has died :( hence no downloaded TV. If anyone knows who can rescue my external hard drive - acting currently as my start up disk due to inertia and fear of change (mine, not the blameless iMac's) - I'd be very happy to know... Or given it's still in warranty would Seagate be able to recover my data?).
See how I tucked all that away in brackets like it isn't something that's made me want to sob all day? Though discovering I can redownload purchases from iTunes without synching devices is making me happier about our journey tomorrow. I find I'm a much less nervous flier if I have David Sedaris wittering on in my ear - and the latest iTunes update inevitably wiped all my audiobooks. I mean really - what does Apple have against audiobooks?
On the plus side, given I haven't been able to drink white wine for about the last 5 years, today I had half a bottle of Riesling in the sun with no paracetamol needed. A whole third of the wine world awaits rediscovery! Cheers!
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