youngies journey

By youngie66

A Celebrity Double Weekend

Well I don't mean me and Citizen Tommy Sheridan as the double celebs but I had my blip with Blair Jenkins yesterday at Rosyth for my blip and today I got my photo with Tommy a guy well known around the political scene of Scotland hopefully he will get his day in court again now that Andy Coulsan is to face court action in Scotland for his role that could show Tommy was telling the truth after the recent hacking scandal at the News of the World as what he does in his private life is his buisiness anyway I was through at the Anti Bias BBC rally at Pacific Quay and after a couple of pints at the Royal Scot bar near Central Station along with some hot food it was off to joing the good Yes folks from around Scotland to show our displeasure at how the referendum is being reported just before the rally I and my mate needed to access the washrooms inside the free events complex next to the BBC studios and anyone with Yes flags or showing Yes logos were being told to cover them up sorry mate I ain't going bare chested just to go have a slash and he relented scandalous if you ask me how there trying to hide or suppress the fact and covering up Yes flags like they did at T in the Park and then they did report the rally outside there offices quoting Police Scotland's figures as saying only 400 people turning up that's funny though as we were all handed numbered sheets so Yes could get accurate numbers as were always being made as small numbers anyway my sheet number was 848 and final count was around 1200 so Police Scotlands calculator must be to count all and divide by 3 lol anyway the music was good along with Tommy's usual passionate speech getting the crowd cheering loudly and then it was back on the train home and that was it for today and off all week now so will see what that brings hmmm oh well movie for the day is " Cry Freedom 1987 " Looks gog BIG as well See Ya, ps no it izzny the same shirt on two days in a row but I bought two lol

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