The life of

By rbarbour

The Spirit of Belfast

I had a rather long training session for work today in the city centre. Opposite the store I was in, is a new sculpture, called "The Spirit of Belfast". I, to be honest, am not sure what to think of it, a thing of beauty or something that was a waste of the city's fundings?
Towering seven metres high and wide and weighing seven-and-a-half tons, the sculpture is made of four curved stainless steel parts and replaces the famous bandstand that stood on the site for decades, and cost £200,000.
The sculpture is the work of New York artist Dan George -
?I hesitate to try to define it and pinpoint what the meaning is, because everyone that comes to it creates their own meaning. I was thinking about the history of Belfast with its shipbuilding and the linen industry, so you might see it as having the strength of steel and the delicate woven fabric of linen.
It really has the spirit of modern Belfast, its openness and sturdiness of spirit and energy".
Food for thought.

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