
By BrackenOE

They should have gone to Specsavers ...

but at least I was picked out in the last 10 (not a very clear photo above) out of about 80 dogs in the ring to start with. Even the Judges said they had never had so many small dogs in the ring at once so found it hard to decide on the most handsome.
I think it was a little Jack Russell who came first but unfortunately the crowds didn't seem too impressed with the choice as there were some really beautiful dogs in the original line-up who weren't even selected so not quite sure what the Judges were looking for. A particularly handsome Beagle stood next to Bracken in the original line-up and was not even selected for the last 10 but to me he looked like a real winner. Also we spoke to a lady with a really beautiful looking black Cockapoo which I expected to see in the final 10. Never mind it was all in good fun and the entry fee paid all goes to a worthwhile Charity.
Peter Purves was there again judging some of the other categories (some of you will remember him from the early days of Blue Peter) and he seems to be asked back each year to judge.
Bracken is now fast asleep and none the wiser why he had to walk around in the ring but enjoyed meeting so many different breeds today especially the beautiful gentle Leonbergers which he really took a fancy to. He seems to love the large breeds for some reason.

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