Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Cocktail in a can

Rode the bike into work today for the first time. Nice ride in and managed the 30K in 1:10. Felt pretty good at the end of it.
Managed to ride home as well. A bit slower on the way home and the razor saddle I now have started to hurt a bit too much. Seems I just need to man up apparently.
Had a quick shower before going and looking at a couple of flats in the West End. One was a big project to get the place from an old opticians to a place you could live in. The second flat is a good possibility. Need to go and have another look after we have been back to the house next week.
RD contacted me during the day to see if we wanted to go for a drink. Met up with him and his new girlfriend in the Cumberland for some food and a beer. From there it was then to Panda and sons cocktail bar on Queen Street. Great speak easy place. My cocktail came in an old tin. £8 and you don't even get a glass!!
From there it was to 52 canoes which wasn't great before heading to Heads and Tails the new home of Edinburgh gin before heading home very late. Great night.

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