Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac

CG2014: Day Four

It was marathon day today at Commonwealth Games 2014 in Glasgow - which meant our installation site at Glasgow Green enjoyed yet another fantastically busy day!

We were thrilled to have a visit from the Minister for Sport Shona Robison - not least so we could thank her for all the support and encouragement she has given for our Youth Legacy Ambassador programme over the past four years. The fact she made time in her hectic schedule to come and see us is testimony to her commitment to the work the young volunteers have been doing.

Here she is with a couple of the YLAs - both of whom were doing a brilliant job sharing their stories and the work of the programme with people visiting our site leaving Legacy Wishes and making wildflower seedballs to scatter across Scotland.

Despite the odd shower the atmosphere at the live site was fabulous - it definitely was a Super Sunday!

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