
By pattons6

Its morning!

Well, I got up at 9am today so we are almost back to normal, I did miss my nap though. Still there is tomorrow....

This morning I had a quick play on my car then I was fed, dressed and clean nappy before we headed out. We went to Costco, I like it there are you get to eat your way round. Today I had yogurt, burger in a roll, hot dog and some cake. Mummy amazed herself and managed to resist buying a huge tub of cinnamon rolls which are her new favourite treat.

When we got back we had lunch, I had a roll as I was full after our shopping trip. Once daddy was up I played with my toys from my birthday. No paddling pool today as it was raining. Just means its fuller for tomorrow!

I had nice cuddles with daddy watching the Commonwealth games. Mummy started sorting through my clothes and my room. She says she is claiming the livingroom back so most of my toys are going into my nursery. I will still have a few not a whole toy shop though.

At bedtime I was very tired. I fell asleep at 6pm so mummy out me in my cot. I was back up at 7pm though for an hour as someone was shouting outside. I then settled myself after some cuddles from mummy.

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