Patience is rewarded

Today I went for my first run since Sunday, having chosen to wait until the effects of the lurgi (common cold, I assume) had passed more or less completely. I have been keen to resume running for a couple of days, and chose to be more sensible than I once was wont. It was a gentle and enjoyable run.

This particular photo is also the result of patience. I had circled Western Springs Lake (including loops around some of the smaller lakes adjacent to the big one) and managed at least three other blippable photos on the way. Ten metres from the path away from the path to start the run home, I caught sight of this swan suddenly wagging its wings.

Camera tucked neatly in the soft and water resistant case (in Auckland we can have a heavy rain shower out of a sunny sky), and not available for a snap shot. Decided, therefore, to sit on a bench and wait. And wait. And wait. While I waited the swan preened here and preened there. Paused. Then recommenced preening.

Sure that it would eventually stand tall and flap the wings I kept the camera set right, and pointed, and continued to wait. Eventually, I got to carry on homewards.

Do have a look at it large.

Others may be seen in my blipfolio
A family of swans
A healthy looking Putangitangi drake
The artwork of nature rivals the great masters

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