Keith B

By keibr

Sailing home

The high pressure still reigns over Sweden so another day of hot sun and light winds.
I decided that at least one of these glorious days should be used to sail, even if the "light winds" meant perhaps not going as far as I would like.
I sailed the main part of one of my "standard" routes. Out of the small Mjällom inlet and into the larger inlet, Mjällomfjärden (Mjällom fjord?). Sail more or less east until I reach the open sea and then NE across to the southern tip of the island of South Ulvön (see map). I then usually head up the outside of the island, through the gap between north and south Ulvön, and back along the western edge of south Ulvön. This is a trip of around 40 km and usually takes about 10 hours. Today in these light winds it would have taken even longer and I decided to be happy with reaching the southern tip of this island.
This picture is taken as I sailed home along the main "fjord" and shows a view of the typical coast around here.
I had taken a ridiculous amount of water with me and then added an extra 2 litres when I got to the boat. You can't easily escape the sun in a small boat when you are sailing alone. In the event I drank everything except that last-minute 2 litre reserve.
I was also wearing a long-sleeved shirt for the first time in weeks - again, the sun!
I felt very happy with my day. I averaged about 4 km/hr, sailing 35 km in 8 hr 27 min, with a max speed of 7.3 km/hr.
The next day was a home day, fixing a step and preparing for visitors, as you can see if you click the link, 'cause this is really a backblip!

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