Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

This is the way we dry our clothes...

When it rains on and off!

Only someone as radical as G would do this. I would have brought the rack in (had I been awake).

So, a nice lazy day to get ready to go away for a few days. Went into Guildford to do the last bit of shopping of a list we made over a week ago. Got nearly everything and enjoyed lunch at M&S Café to find when we came out - the forecast rain actually arrived (aprecious - you jinxed me!) My first thought was, "oh no! I left the washing out!)

Looks like it didn't rain very much over our little Lodge as by the time we got back, the clothes were almost dry again!!

Off to the Midlands tomorrow for a few days to meet up with our blip-buddy Tigg... :)

PS. Don't miss the little owl who came home with us from B&Q along with a very cool new lampshade.

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