small world

By ShiOna

Seven Positive Blips

see previous Blip..... The same dear friend challenged me last week to post 3 positive things on facebook for seven days, it was one of those gimmicks that was doing the rounds and I politely declined for all the reasons listed in the last blip, so she let me off but challenged me to do 7 positive blips when Rach got home safe.
This is the first,... Today Bill fleeced me for my last £20 saying he needed petrol, we all know this is a euphemism for we are getting a takeaway in at work tonight and I want to opt in. However I went into work broke but had forgotten that this was the day the management of the serviced offices we rent from were laying on a free BBQ, so instead of half a pack of ryvita with the scrapings of some, too yellow to be fresh, butter , I had professionally cooked chops and salad, a grand lunch for my last day of work before two weeks holidays.

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