sasha mander ;]

By sashamander1O

Bon Bonnz;

Hey (: I'm new to this

We've moved to a new spot it seems - Richards form room! Since Mrs Woodcock can't deal with mass amounts of year tens in her room. Mr Fetaroll seems to be fine with all us in there though. His classrooms is tiny though I will say. and smells..

Ears had strawberry bon bons as per usual (L)
Ahhhh, I actually am addicted to the stuff at the moment! (and Trident Orange Flavoured Chewing Gum that Greg gives me, but that doesn't relate to this particular story) he had a couple left and Mae decided to try and fit as many as she could in her mouth. She got five in that massive gob of hers aha. She ended up looking like a Rabbit sooo, I got a snap while I could.

Also, I saw the funniest video I have ever seen that Charlotte showed me! (Click to view) I felt rather sick, Relised how much I hate Law. Bleeeeeeeeeeeh!

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