
By Cari

Oohhh, I wish I were...

...an Oscar Mayer wiener, that is what I'd truly like to be-e-e, cuz if I were an Oscar Mayer wiener, then everyone would be in love with me!!

Some of you sang along with those words I'm sure :)
The Oscar Mayer Mobile is in our town today. We decided to leave a bit later to Newberg so we could go get photos of it. We even got a weenie whistle but they aren't like the ones when I was a kid. There is a reference to the weenie whistle in the movie The Santa Clause (the first one). It shows the original. I'm not sure if Oscar Mayer is sold over seas but it's a company that specializes in hot dogs, bologna and other deli meats. There was another popular commercial featuring Oscar Mayer bologna back in the 60's and 70's. It featured an adorable little boy sitting on a dock with a fishing pole singing.... My bologna has a first name, it's o-s-c-a-r, my bologna has a second name it's m-a-y-e-r, I love to eat it everyday and if you ask me I will saaaaayyy, cuz oscar mayer has a way with b-o-l-o-g-n-a. Fun little jingle that you could probably find on utube.

So, we are now off to Newberg. "See" you all when I return on Sunday :)
Enjoy the weekend!
Happy Friday

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