Des Res!

Yaaay you may not be pleased to hear this!...but I am back on line! Speed is only marginally faster than what the hapless talk talk gave but I'm hopeful that at least is stays this way. BT also gave us a different house phone number?? probably their way of getting round the Mac access code thingy but who cars, I only got calls from Delih and the Adams family anyhows! Those that know me can find my new number on Facebook the rest have my mobile no. Weather stonking as it's been all week, burnt to a crisp I am!
House in photo is Duntrune Castle (more a fortified house ) google it if you wis h to know more about it and its owners who made their money on rum, sugar and rumour has it slaves! Once one of the biggest land owning families in Scotland many moons buck but not so now. Probably a case of the cobblers son having no shoes!
Away out to walk my doggies

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