24/7 not

This week from Sunday through to today there's a man living in a box* (a big glass container sized one) in the middle of Essen.

It's being billed as a living experiment, this guinea pig man gets to spend 24/7** in a big glass box, at the height of summer with all his conversations whether face to face, over the phone or email all observed and broadcast to the German nation. Apparently he needs a new phone number after this week under the microscope because otherwise he'll never have a moments peace!

* isn't that a song & band from the 80's?
** except 1) Sunday to Friday = six not seven days, & 2) when I was there for legitimate blip purposes, he came out of the box, chatted to the nosy parkers and then wandered down to the TV HQ for a bit of a conflab before disappearing from sight. Now I get that he needs toilet breaks (we don't need to see that) but it's advertised as "we're watching you" with the hashtag "IchSeheDich"***, but if he's wandered off to the shops or McDonalds then how can we be watching?****
*** I see you
**** Sorry, pedantic rant over.

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