Whoa, hold on a second. . .

This tooth only started wiggling a few days ago. I tried to convince Alex to hold on to it for a few more weeks as I heard the Hawaiian tooth fairy pays more than the Stanwood one. His response, "it's only money, mom." Ha! I was desperate. Can't stand to watch him grow! Only a few hours later the tooth was out (thank God not with the assistance of the pliers) and Alex now has a new grin to go with his new haircut. As bittersweet as this first lost tooth is for me, I have thoroughly enjoyed watching his excitement build all evening long as he got closer and closer to the final tug and what he clearly equates to reaching "manhood". LOL!

It's going to take mommy a bit to get used to his new grin and I had to literally laugh out loud when I walked in on him staring at his teeth in the mirror and he said to me "mom, I now have two holes!" The second one he is referring to is the huge gap between his two front teeth that is probably going to cost mommy and daddy a chunk of change to fix with braces. We'll cross that bridge when we get there.

This morning, Alex successfully completed his first session of swim lessons and is now able to jump in the pool and swim without assistance. It's amazing the growth that has happened over the last few weeks. He's doing so well and enjoying it so much that I signed him up for another session, starting next week. My blip changed about 3 times today with all that happened (I would've been satisfied with the swim pic)! Here are the pictures of today's excitement. And for my little fish. Poor guy is going to be so bored tomorrow. ;)

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