Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Infrared Veg

With all this sun and at most times unbareble heat, I spent most of today feeling rather rough from the "cold" I picked up yesterday and the uncomfortable sleep I had lastnight (downstairs in my sleepingbag). The cold seems to come and go. I got up early to cut the hedge (avoiding the heat during the day), as I was feeling "ok", but ended up crashing out on the sofa while Tuttle Jnr watched a DVD in the "cooler" livingroom in the afternoon.

Depsite all that, I did mange to find a bit of time to take some Infrared veg shots using a Hoya R72 filter. Why? I hear you ask. I find IR photography fascinating in that it always throws surprises as we cannot see in IR: It's not just the (visible)colours that react with IR light, but what the materials consist of that gives off unusual effects and make colours appear false. I have added a colour version so you can compare. I wasn't sure what to expect in all honesty. Learnt something today!

Starting to feel rough again as I type this, so goodnight......

zzz zzz zzz

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