
By BGCoffee

Jess and Sev

Jess worked at Buon Giorno from the age of 17 and is now 23 and with this handsome young man Severin from Switzerland. They met when Jess was working at Buon Giorno and Sev came in to partake of our famous caffeinated beverages. One thing led to another and last year, Jess moved to Switzerland to start her new life. Back in the States this summer, we naturally did not pass up an opportunity to have them over and catch up - here they are wondering just what kind of host serves his home made Rigatoni uncooked to such honored guests. You will be glad to know that Rigatoni was not only cooked, but accompanied by fresh pesto and one of L's amazing salads - relax Jess and Sev, we wouldn't do that to you!

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