
By Croft16

Inverness castle..

A trip to Inverness today, to get the work done on the car that wasn't corrected at the MOT and service a few weeks back. Was told the job would take 30 minutes, so allowed an hour. Time well spent in Tiso, where I got a new pair of everyday trainers/boots, and a pair of sandals. Back to get the car and was told they had to split the hub (?) and the job would take another couple of hours (12:00 by now).

Walked into town, and down to the river. A baking hot day, and Tanni wasn't enjoying the noises too much. Crossed the river and walked up to the Cathedral, where we had a freshly made roll each, with homegrown cucumber. Delicious. Carried on up the river, got this nice shot of the castle (the Magistrates court), before crossing the river and walking back to Halfords. Oops, wasn't going to name them. The problem was a split ring by the wheel hub that was causing the brake service and ABS warning lights to come on..

Got back by 3, and the car still wasn't ready. Sat in the waiting room for 15 mins, before it was completed. Saw the car drive by fora test run, and when it flashed by on the return journey, Tanni recognised it and shot out the door after it.. Amazing how she spotted it so quickly.

A rapid trip around LIDL and Teso in Dingwall, before a meal in Ullapool, and home for 9. Shopping put away, showered, and now blipping.. Oh, and having a quick beer!!..


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