It Says It All Really.

We had the day off today because Bags was taking the monsters for a day out with her group of mothers.

I met my niece this morning out walking her spaniels - the first time she had been to 'our' walking area.
I must say that one of her dogs is quite ambitious when it comes to stick carrying.
The three digs had a whale of a time together - especially with the river being there.
She will be borrowing my old SLR while hers is away having the shutter fixed so we be seeing them again tomorrow.

PD was doing his best to ruin the selfie I was trying to take by jumping on my back while I was on the spinning roundabout.
The boy is mad!

Breakfast was partaken with the usual suspects this morning.
It transpires that the organisation by the police, ambulance and highways (at least) at the Commonwealth Games is shit to say the least.

I went out to Ratho this evening.
My God they have build an entire village next to the canal - including a private mooring dock (which isn't used).
Chicken Lady was doing a bit of Stand Up Paddling on the canal and apparently fell in after I had left.
I think she is just practicing for the training she has to do when she takes up her post with the air ambulance.

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