
By Veronica

Soirée cinéma

Backblipped ... I didn't take many photos today and they were rather random, as you can see. This one just appealed to me because of the different styles and expressions. Plus I don't often blip photos of people.

This evening was the first of two open-air cinema nights. The film was D'amour et d'eau fraîche, written and directed by neighbour Isabelle Czajka (she doesn't live here but has a house in the village where she spends quite a lot of time). We'd seen it already on DVD, but I so much prefer seeing films on a big screen. I like this the best of her three feature films and liked it even more on a second viewing; already knowing the plot gives you time to notice details and pay more attention to the look of the film. Her friend and neighbour C (centre of this photo) introduced the film and accurately described her as having un regard acéré (a steely gaze) in her observation of modern life. Her films aren't always easy to watch because they tend to emphasise emptiness and alienation, but they are sharply observed and ring true.

Before the film there was a well-attended bunfight (blip). It was a lovely warm, still evening, perfect for cinéma sous les étoiles.

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