
By pattons6

Bouncy bouncy

I love playing on the trampoline. At least once a day I take mummy or daddy's hand and try to drag them down to the back garden to go on the trampoline. Today we had brilliant weather so I was out on the trampoline lots. Mummy took me then when daddy got up after working all night he took me too but he came on and played too!

I had a nice long lie, I woke up at 10am. Mummy had slept in too so we were both rested and ready for our "morning" shopping, even though we didn't get out until after midday. He he

We were very busy. Mummy out my brothers glasses in to get fixed. We then took my dress back to get the security tag off that the shop left on. We got some cards then mummy ordered my Christmas presents. Yes that's right Christmas presents. They were in the sale and she had points to spend so she got £140 of toys for nothing, they were all half price so they cost her £70 pounds of her points. She is very pleased as the points were earned buying my nappies and wipes.

I have been very good today. My only rebel moment was when I unrolled the toilet paper roll. Just practicing for my potty training.

After my long lie I had no nap. So come bed time I was ready for bed. Fairies I'm on my way.

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