
I cycled into work again this morning, and it was lovely at 8am with a nice breeze, but coming home was hard work as it's been nearly 30 degrees today. We've all struggled in work as we don't have any air conditioning at all and just one fan between us!

Anyway, I got through the day and made it home to be greeted by my boys :-) We've had great fun in the garden, they're so mischievous, but really make us laugh. Alan's done well training them to sit for treats, and they only have to see him coming now and they sit down in anticipation as you can see here. But then they found the bag of treats and ran off together both holding one end of the bag - I tried to get a photo but they were too quick!

I'm tired tonight and can't wait for the weekend. We were supposed to be going to France tomorrow night and meeting up with Mary and Chris our friends from Belgium for lunch on Saturday, but we've had to cancel as I really feel like I need a weekend at home. We were going to have to change our trains because when we booked it, we didn't have Milou and Bobbie, who were going to stay at Karen's, but by the time we'd have got home from work, packed them up and dropped them off , we wouldn't be getting into Calais until about 1am. We're sorry we're not seeing Mary & Chris, but hopefully we can arrange it another time when the boys can come with us.

Anyway, I'd better go and see what they're up to!

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