
By CoffeePotter

She shopped till she dropped

I’ve had a pretty dull day today. The only time I left the house was to go to see my doctor, then a quick trot around the supermarket.

As I was getting back into the car I spotted this lady – she’d obviously had enough. There is a bench just around the corner of the building – about 20 paces from where she is sitting, but it was probably too hot in the sun there.

After shopping I went home – to continue the cleaning that I’d started before I went out. And I vacuumed, and polished, and steam cleaned, and dusted, and all manner of cleaning-type things that I don’t know the name of, all day. That’s the trouble with going away for the weekend – no fairy comes in while you’re away.

Nikonabike walked the boys around 5:30 this morning, then left for work. It’s now 7:15 pm and he’s still not home. That’s a long old day in this heat. I’d best go and get a beer out of the fridge, ready for when he arrives.

Do I sound like a domestic goddess? Don’t be fooled. It took me the first half hour to find the vacuum cleaner :-)

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