youngies journey

By youngie66

Braw Day For It

Well it was another gorgeous day today after the early east coast fog burned off so after getting home from work I went to tesco and bought an air bed and the wee electric pump to inflate it so I could lay out in the sun in the back garden for a few rays of sun very enjoyable indeed no beer today though as I'm up for 01:20 am tomorrow for a trip to Glasgow then back and up to Dundee finishng just after 11am so hopefully the sun will be out and I can have even longer out the back garden with a few beers as I will have 8 days off so hopefully the good weather continues knowing my luck it will chuck it down with rain all week that's the kind of shitty luck Youngie gets Ohh well will keep my fingers and toes crossed anyway not much else I can think of to waffle on about so I will leave you with this blip of a Scotrail class 158 crossing the wee overbridge to the car pak for the cemetery I'm standing in at Inverkeithing as I had a wander about it to find the best vantage point I have taken a couple of photos in this cemetery usually around 1am on halloween so if you check my blips for those dates these past 2 years you will have seen some ghostly goings on so scary it could put the willies up yeh ooerrr lol anyway movie for the day is "3:10 To Yuma 2007 " Looks good Big as well See Ya

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