City oasis

Dental appointment this morning - replacement filling needed - he offered to do it immediately. Due to bad treatment as a child I've always hated dental visits, but my latest dentist is lovely and talks everything through. Rather than spend weeks worrying about the next appointment I bit the bullet and had the treatment. He did suggest it would be okay without an injection, but being a coward I opted to have the tooth numbed.

Felt I needed a walk after all that until the numbness wore off, and as hubby had given me a lift we decided to go to nearby Lister Park. Lots of blip opportunities, but my camera was at home - well you would assume you wouldn't need it at the dentist! Time to try out the phone camera. Took lots of shots, some of which blip has told me are too small to upload, so have chosen this one. The park was cool and shady and very quiet indeed. This little bridge led into one of several little "secret gardens" which looked very pretty with their summer flowers. Walked a full circuit of the park and had a look around Cartwright Hall - lovely way to spend a morning! (P.S. numbness lasted for 6 hours!!)

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