From Cymbeline

By Cymbeline

Vet visit

Well actually it wasn't, but that's what it looked like to start with.

Here is Danny, Trish and Charlie, left to right.- outside the vets in Sutton Lane, looking for all their worth like they were just about to go through the front door of the vets for a check up. Just as a matter of interest, the vet, until a recent retirement was the domain of Mr isbi.

Trish is a treasure who moved to Blackheath at least ten years ago from the big smoke, retiring from a good many years as a Qantas hostie and well known as their union rep. What a gal! Trish has done the odd bit of work here and there - we were lucky enough to have her in our agency for a while and she does the odd shift at the Ivy, which seems like a home away from home what with growing up in her family owned pub I don't remember where. Unfortunately for Blackheath, Trish moved to Hartley a number of years ago so she could have her beloved horses with her all the time and she still keeps her political hand in with some highway action biz.

Here she is not actually visiting the vet, but taking her two darlings around town as a training exercise so they get used to the big city noises. They're going to star in the parade this year so she wants them to be calm in their glory.

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