Last Light

The Boss had a busy old day today and a severe shock to his blood pressure later on.
Being Thursday I was left to entertain myself when he went to his photo group coffee and since the builders have started building our neighbours place next door that was my point of interest. There was an executive meeting this morning after I bolted outside to greet the first arrival. Section 17 of the Dog Act was read and in a meeting that definitely lacked conviviality I now assume that greeting the builders will not be an approved activity. Grouch!! There was also a very bad development on our bark fence where nearly all my ambushing…Errr greeting used to take place. It has been dug up for a drive and had threatening signs erected. I wondered why The Boss was smiling a lot and I can see I will need a Dogflix subscription to entertain myself soon.
On the way bark from a meeting with friends The Fruitphone grabbed this and when he arrived bark home there I was, waiting, but all the washing that he had folded up on the kitchen table was gone. He wandered up stairs to find his nightshirt nicely folded up on the bed and given he had kissed The Bossess goodby this morning as she was flying to Chch for a BIG meeting and the house was as quiet as a nutless Squirrel he assumed that someone had been in but who? At that point his phone texted and The Bossess asked “What’s for tea” Panic…What to say? Who had been in the house? He replied that he had just got home and hadn’t decided and pondered asking her if she had been home again (seemed very unlikely) and while doing that she arrived quietly behind him and said “hullo”. Change of plan it seems.
There is now a permanent mark in the ceiling and luckily he didn’t drop dead on the spot but there will be some more washing required.
Oh Dear. I of course could have told him this but he didn’t ask…OK?
Spot the fishing?

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