But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Unicycle Saddle?

While driving down the other day I listened to radio podcasts, one of them being about the significant medical problems of using conventional cycle saddles with "noses." Strangely, it did not include the opinions of anybody who knew anything about cycling, neither did it mention saddle selection, wearing correctly fitting clothes, the fitting of saddles or even how to sit on them correctly; and they wonder why the common or garden variety of cyclist can suffer nerve damage and circulatory problems around their naughty bits. The nose of the saddle is there to provide additional control over the cycle while the grotesque appearance of the saddle on the unicycle is probably vital if the rider is to have any control at all.
The background of the picture is too messy to see what's what, so I popped the colour to make its design a little more clear. The blue bit at the front (left hand end) is a handle.

Anyway, back to the matter of the day. The first four hours of the race were dominated by heavy rain while the next sixteen carried the threat of its return. All through the evening, night and most of the next morning we could see the rain clouds dropping their load onto the surrounding countryside. For that reason, it did not seem worth changing into dry clothes until I realised that it was too late. My nether regions became very sore and I used vast quantities of nappy cream. The good side was that I reached my target of 300 miles with about 15 minutes to spare so stopped for an ice-cream. To put my effort into perspective, the winner achieved 483 miles and so was comparatively safe from defeat at my hands (legs) while the record stands at a mere 542 miles.
Perhaps, if I keep training . . . . .

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