Checking the day's bookings

...or this is what I think she was doing...

In much higher spirits now as my leg is getting back to normal and I can walk much faster. It's the simple things in life! :)

Soon I'll be able to walk all the way to work, as I used to. The running will have to wait a little bit though, I'm afraid...

My day was fine apart from getting a bit of conjunctivitis on my left eye. This morning I woke up with a sticky and red eye, so I had to go to the chemist and get some eye drops for it. I think it's just part of my allergy to pollen. Hopefully it will go away soon!

Good news is I'll be off work for the next couple of days, so this will be my weekend! :)

Thanks very much for all your nice comments! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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