Armeria juniperifolia 'Bevan's Variety'
Another desperation blip! Life is more than hectic at the moment, decorating a bedroom, having FredaH's bungalow to break up Clickychick launching her new project. To mention just a few of the problems my apologies for not commenting.
This little beauty is literally beside the back door step (yes Katkatkat the one you call the front). Those of us of a certain age will remember Armeria juniperifolia being portrayed on the Thru'penny bit. That is 3 old pennies or just over 1 new penny for the youngsters among us. Then I knew it by its other name Thrift although when we saw it in the wild we always referred to it as a "Sea Pink". Strange how we use language.
To give an idea of scale the label says the plant grows to 2 inches high and 4 across the flower is the size of my thumb nail.
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