Sarah's 2014

By nellie0508

7 years of bad luck

So this was the aftermath of Ted breaking the mirror in the bathroom.

I spent around half and hour clearing it all up dodging the giant shards of shiny glass half way through eating my breakfast only to then open the door to take it all out to the bin and lock myself out!

I had to walk around to a neighbours' house in my pj's and slippers to knock on their open door and beg to use their phone to call for help! I called Jenny to get Luke's new mobile number then called Luke but he didn't answer so I ended up texting him instead. He called back and I explained what happened and he said he would contact the landlady to ask her to come over with the spare key.

In the end I waited around an hour with the friendly family in their front room, being offered a drink several times over by the grandmother and having a nice chat with the mother who I think said her name was Mallory. I must remember to buy a bottle of wine and a thank you card as it was so very generous of them to take care of me.

After the stressful morning I was in work for 1pm until 10pm and quite a busy day.

Today I am very grateful for the kindness of our new neighbours who helped me out even without them knowing who I was.

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