Call that a knife?

You don't often see clergy brandishing lethal weapons in meetings. This is Martin, he's a priest and adviser on mission and ministry.... and money ...... and buildings ....

This knife was his prize, as a 12 year old Scout, for some do-derring deed. Apparently, he was allowed to take it to school! All this came out of a post I re-circulated from TED, see here.

The blog is by Gever Tulley, founder of the Tinkering School, who spells out 5 dangerous things you should let your kids do — and why a little danger is good for both kids and grownups.

Since posting I've had suggestions that we run a weekend on this stuff, titled Inside Out, or even a variant on Messy Church, which could be Messy "put your own title here"

This sounds great fun and is now in the melting pot. I think Martin may well be whittling away and rediscovering the lost art of attaching a plaster using one hand.

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