Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

The Reading Room

Today I visited the State Library of Victoria on a very special mission. I had been given permission to view a collection of images taken by my Great Grandfather Matthew Wall and his brother George.

Great Grandfather Matthew lived in St Kilda for almost half his life before moving to Western Australia. He and his brother George had a photographic business and one of their trading names was Shadow Katchers.

My brother Al has done an incredible amount of research on our family tree and now we want to work together to try and document as much of our Great Grandfathers contribution to the photographic industry from the mid 1900's as possible. We both believe that our newly created Blip Journal will give us the opportunity to share our journey with many of our family members and we hope that many blippers will enjoy the journey as well.

I had no idea that today would stir so much emotion in me. It was just incredible to sit and view the original images, images that were being treated with such respect by the librarians.

Oh, I nearly forgot to mention. This is the magnificent La Trobe Reading Room. One of the reasons I will soon revisit the Library and spend many hours exploring the amazing exhibitions and facilities that are on offer.

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