
By Brookeside

Queens baton

just an every day occurrence at work lol. It was great to be given 30 mins out of the office today to walk round to the Beatson and see the Queens baton relay. I was actually quite emotional and had a wee lump in my throat seeing it go right by. The lovely lady carrying it must be well known at the Beatson - I must check who she is - the reception she was given was amazing. I really can't wait for the Commonwealth games. I know the downsides will be horrible (travel times to and from work etc) but it's such an honour for Glasgow and has created a wonderful buzz about the city. I may not be saying the same on Saturday night though trying to get through the town for my hen night!

In other news Brooke has been such a delight lately - seriously funny. I just adore hearing how clever she has become. She can now spell out her name and takes great delight in shouting the letters out and 'writing' them down. I will need to get a photo of her first signature lol. She has such a great wee personality too. When asked by her grandpa to come and give him the toy she was holding she said 'no grandpa you come here and get it'!

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