
By Instography

Without bike

I'm blaming the heat for the very poor sleep. Windows open would help, especially if the bedroom and toilet window could both be open, allowing any potential through draught to do some cooling. Unfortunately this opens doors, allowing light to do the job the heat otherwise does. A genuine Catch 22.

One answer is to set the alarm an hour later and take the bus at least not adding to the tiredness by piling 20 miles of cycling on top. And it allows wanders, which allow you to find loverly little beer shops on Thistle Street with pleasant, helpful staff only too willing to advise on beers and help you spend £4.60 on 330ml of 6.9% Italian craft beer, which, I have to immodestly say, tasted not too dissimilar to my own 7.5% brew. Though my bottles don't look like they contain perfume or the sweat of hummingbirds.

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