Home & Away

By HeidiAndDolly


No pretty picture for today! Life isn't always rosy!

We went on our normal evening walk tonight, this time to our closest park. After a warm day there is often quite a bit of litter on the ground, which really upsets me. Right after I entered the park I spied this empty blue bag and so I decided to pick up the litter while I walked. I quickly filled it til there was room for no more and I didn't even make it halfway round the park. There's a perfectly good bin in the park (one of three), and it was far from full, so in it went after taking this picture.

I wish people would deal with their own rubbish in public places! This is a lovely park enjoyed by families and dog-walkers alike. Why allow it to become an ugly place? I have a few theories on why people do this, but I don't know why people put up with it. Last summer I stopped walking in the parks, preferring the countryside instead, mainly because the litter upset me so much.

On a more positive note, I met a lovely young couple with an adorable whippet. We chatted and the dogs played and they helped me pick up some of the rubbish. The husband was a fellow-American and he agreed with me that we rarely see this litter-problem in the US. Please, Britain! We love your beautiful country! We've made it our home! What can we all do to not let this keep happening?

OK...off my soapbox!

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