Love is a Handful of Honey

Love is that full of beans feeling
That makes you leap out of your bed
Love is what makes you throw open the curtains
And somersault round on your head.

Love is that warm cosy feeling
You get when you cuddle your Mum
And love is that feeling of laughing out loud
When somebody tickles your tum.

Love's skipping out in the morning
And hoping the day never ends
And love's what you feel when you all get together
And go on adventures with friends.

Love's when you hide in the forest
In places that nobody knows
Love is that fluttery feeling you feel
When a butterfly tickles your toes.

Love is a handful of honey
And love's making friends with the bees
Even the flowers are bursting with love
When they're dancing around in the breeze.

And then when your tummies are grumbling
Love is unwrapping your treats
And love's stuffing everything all in at once
Leaving masses of mess on your cheeks.

Love is splish-splashing through puddles
And love's getting soaked in the rain
Love is a rainbow that bursts through the sky
When the sun begins shining again.

Love's when you can't stop describing
Just what you've been doing all day
And love is when somebody quietly listens
To everything you've got to say.

Love is a great bedtime story
That takes you to faraway lands
And love's when you want to show someone you care
So you snuggle up close and hold hands.

Love's looking out of the window
To wave at the Man in the Moon
And love's when you whisper goodnight to the stars
Who'll be watching you dream very soon.

And then when you're tired and sleepy
And you're cosily tucked up all tight
Love is that last little cuddle and kiss
That helps you sleep safe through the night.

By Giles Andreae and Vanessa Cabban

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