Sunshine and Shadows

There's nothing nicer than cycling to work when the sea's calm and the sun's shining. Plus it's very peaceful as there aren't many people around at that time in the morning, other than a few dog walkers and other cyclists on their way to work. I shouldn't stop to take photos on my way to work, but I couldn't resist this view - I love the shadows and the light.

I met Marilyn for lunch at our usual meeting place, and her lovely husband Ken came to join us, so we had nice hour in the sunshine before heading back to work.

Tonight we've done a bit of re-arranging with regards to the boys - we've moved the outdoor pen onto the patio as Milou likes digging, and there's now a rather big hole in the garden! Also, after chatting to Emmy today, we've decided to separate the boys when they're in their crates. We really want to get a grip on the house training, and when they're together it's impossible, so we're going to give each dog some individual time. They'll still have plenty of time together, but I think it will be easier to praise them for being good if we let them out separately for toilet training. At the moment if one has been good and he gets praised, the other one comes running too.

Anyway, they've had lots of playtime together tonight and are currently in their crates asleep - so far so good!

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