
Our garden is wild and out of control but the wildlife loves it.
A particular favourite is the rampant mint plants. I have never seen so many butterflies and bees in one place.
This - according to my quick Google search in-depth research may or may not be a Gatekeeper!
Today was fairly similar to yesterday!
We were even later for swimming and missed the beginning of the lesson, Miss E and I got into the pool when the lesson finished and we had forty five minutes fun splashing about.
From there we went to Waitrose for heinously expensive sun cream. The Little Misses react badly to pretty much every brand I've tried and my friend Mrs B recommended one that should be fine.
It would want to be at that price!!
Then it was to Tescos to buy the things I'd forgotten to buy in Waitrose for our homemade pizza lunch. Today's toppings of choice were cheese, chorizo, salami, ham and sweetcorn. You really can't have too much cured meat!!
Then we had a lazy afternoon on the computers, washing up, watching films about dolphins. Again! Playing on the computer, hoovering, eating ridiculous amounts of fruit, building railway tracks, tidying, sticking leaves to butter tubs to camouflage them for hiding in the garden (?!), hanging out laundry and building lego towers.
I'll leave you to decide which of those activities the Little Misses enjoyed and which Mummy got stuck with!
I had a pleasant surprise at Fat Club tonight losing 2lbs. Astounding after a week of fish and chips and general over-indulgence at the seaside. Perhaps I should eat more fishfinger baps and less green stuff!

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