
By chrislewis

Gone Fishin'

Today we took a boat trip out to some of the smaller isles off Mull. First stop was Staffa, home of Fingal's Cave and some pretty amazing basalt columns. That was actually pretty cool, and I can remember learning about it in School. But next up was Lunga, one of the Treshnish Isles, and known to be a home for thousands of Puffins.

Okay, now people can tell you there are loads of puffins on an island, but you don't really believe them, right? You think it will take hours of careful watching and waiting before you'll be lucky enough to spot one. A bit like bears in Canada (four trips and still never seen a single bear). You've seen the 'making of...' sections at the end of the BBC Wildlife documentaries. You're no fool. You've a long lens and your fingers firmly crossed.

Well, it turns out there really are thousands of puffins on Lunga. And they're not the slightest bit bothered about what you're doing. I reckon if you sat still long enough they'd come and stand on you. It was without doubt one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. I took a lot of photos but the guy with the fish was the star. And he knew it.

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