The Official Photographer

I was the official photographer at yesterday's event. Not the official photographer for the event, but there in a capacity where I was required to produce photographs of acceptable quality without messing up. This made me quite nervous as it's a long time since I've done something like that. I took three cameras to the event, used them all, and they each produced "good" photographs in different contexts, so in addition to soothing my nerves, this was a smart thing to do.

During the event itself the guy in front of me was quite obnoxious, ostentatiously snapping away seemingly unaware of anyone around him and generally being quite distracting. So much so that the official event photographer dumped the Nikon D600 with the three foot lens on it that she was using and came over and started snapping away at him with this little Leica. I thought this would make him pause, but he carried on seemingly unaware that she was snapping away. At that point, I could resist no longer, so I pulled the Panasonic compact I had dusted off for the event out of my pocket and snapped this shot of her shooting him. I'm pretty sure the person behind me photographed me shooting her capturing him, the four of us all within ten feet of each other. Maybe it even went further than that.

I normally wouldn't post a poor quality shot like this, but it's important to me in documenting my return to being "a photographer". For the record, I missed one of the money shots on the day due to a stupid settings error on the big camera, but I got the other one and the "clients" seem to be reasonably satisfied with the portfolio I produced. Me, I'm not all that happy with the shots I took but that's normal. Overall, I feel I made progress on my journey. I'd certainly do better next time.

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