Tay Ghillie

By challum


What a wonderful day it was in the East of Scotland today. It felt like the weather has turned a corner and it was actually mild today - 13C on the car dashboard. After a meeting at Glasgow I returned to the farm and jumped on the bike for a short cycle down the river. There was some bad bankside erosion in places which meant some steady nerves were required on occasion. Also lots of deadfall on the banks and one of my large panniers was filled to the brim. I get a great satisfaction out of 'scavaging' for wood. I guess it is the hunter gatherer in me coming out? Some may say it is the Neanderthal coming out! Later while sitting on the bank at Jock Howieson's I caught a glimpse of a wee snowdrop peaking through the leaf mould and what a magnificent sight the wee white nodding head was. Ah yes, Spring is here.

Minus 3C and snow on Friday though :-)

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