Come into the Garden

By aprecious


I have been trying to out run the breeze. I have been trying not to wear my frisbee on my head. I have been trying to be the very best dog I can be. I asked aprecious what she thought.

"Oh you're trying alright," she said, "Very trying."

In fact Maud is basically good these days aside from her pathological hatred of intruders visitors (if they come through the back door), the Hoover, the lawn mower and window cleaners. And white vans/cars. And the conservatory roof (when she remembers)

Also ladies and gentleman if you get a chance, please sign this petition - it has been started by one of our kids at the youth theatre after he had a decidedly dodgy time at Blackpool Nicki's petition to make rides at Blackpool accessible (they're not, even though they say they are. He explains it more eloquently than I could.)
Also please share if you could! Ta!

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